Welcome to the official website for Sara Jane Potter, an aspiring, British writer of contemporary fiction.

The purpose of this site is, not so much to inflate her own tenuous ego, as to promote her writing, herself, and to hurl her name into today’s electronic arena and hence reach a wider audience.

She hopes to reach as many interested parties as possible. Typically, these will include aspiring, fellow writers, avid readers, or people who have accidentally stumbled in, momentarily adrift in cyber-space. If her luck is really in, the odd literary agent or scouring publisher might stumble in too. And like what they see…

Whoever you are, Sara hopes that you will stay and read and enjoy a snippet of her work. Feel free to pass comment, by signing her guest book. Feedback, in its scarcity, is a struggling writer’s lifeline.

And the ultimate compliment would be to remember Sara’s name, and to buy her first novel once it’s published!

Many thanks.

Copyright © Sara Jane Potter 2002

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